Sunday, March 22, 2009

Love is

(From Pegasus: Nessy Shepherd)

I long to
Mend the holes in your soul and
Pour love thickly warm
Giving forth completely for you, everything for you

You replenish me, refilling, recharging, giving pure energy
Souls dancing; souls connecting; souls growing with
Purity cleansed clean
Accepting that all is as it should be, all is as it is meant to be

Love is simple
Love is

Step forward in crystal pure hope
Accept the timing and rythm that is always there
Float in orbit - effortlessly dance in that direction
Find and feel your soul moving and
Skipping like the happy child in the fresh Spring sunshine

Love is simple
Love is

When we are young, angels dance with our souls
Life's dance of joys, fears and tears
Tilts our head in shame becoming ripped and torn

Lift up, fear not and keep undying hope
Angels will always repair the holes in our souls
so we can dance and dance again


  1. Thank you for using my picture.....very nice poem!


  2. Thank you Nessy for sharing your wonderful gift of beauty and feeling with us all!!
