Friday, July 3, 2009

Lovers Hour

I am the dragonfly that lights upon the moist flower
I am the smell of the forest mist morning shower
I am the sweet raindrop wet upon your lips
I am the rough lapping of the kitten's kiss

I am the gentle breeze swirling and lifting your clothes
I am the blood red petals fallen from a rose
I am the gasp of passion's sigh and memory's scent of musk
I am the song of the whip-poor-will from somewhere in the dusk

I am the moonbeam that lights your lover's path
I am the water warm and slippery in your evening bath
I am the feeling of your skin tingling swollen and taut
I am the tension and exciting rush of thought

I am the smile you feel from your lover's gaze
I am the gasp then racing heart from what your lover's says
I am the pull of hair gathered tight in your lover's grip
I am the firm bending kiss upon your wanting lips

I am the leather you feel binding 'round your wrist
I am the quiet trust you feel with each lover's twist
I am the stretched muscles in your shoulders; arms held fast behind
I am the glistening beads of sweat now dripping down your spine

I am the dragonfly that lights upon the moist flower
I am the timelessness of your lover's hour

1 comment:

  1. ...does love care if darkness bound its hands with leather, does the feet seek the comfort of leather while it takes us on a city walk of hot sidewalks, does love not know that like water that gives life, its takes life away too, darkness and love are one, the heart knows so it lets the mind feel them all, for soon, it will be gone, just like everything that has been said throughout time....its the moment that counts, a butterfly or a dragon fly, knows when not to fly and when to sigh... :-)
