Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Missing You

(Tee by Nessy Shepherd)

Oh Sweet Lover
You Gentle Artist
You Passionate Poet
My Sweet Sweet Lover

Oh I Wish
Only for an Instant
Only for a Moment
To Just Close My Eyes

Breathing Deep
Holding it in Fullness and Hope
Thinking, Feeling
Longing To Be...With You

Oh Sweet Poet,
Oh Sweet Lover,
Oh How I Wish When My Eyes Open,
You Are Here...With Me

Alas, Breath Escapes
Slipping Away In a Sigh

You Live in My Mind
I Feel You in My Heart
It is There You Are
And will Always be...With Me

But I Miss You


  1. Great picture! I hope you find all of your desires.

  2. ...after driving off-road for nearly 100 miles, and coming to a fork in the road, was a beautiful red stop mind you there are no vehicles, or any human souls as far as the eye can see...I felt a sense of joy and love come to me from the sign, after all it was telling me that i must stop, and there in all its glory, it was almost smiling at me..i wondered how many breaths, sighs, stares, the sign must have seen during its existence on this lonely highway...well I got out of the vehicle, approached the sign and just touched it, and a flashback of imagery and emotions came forth at me from the day of its creation, its journey, final resting place, the individuals who were involved, and some of the drivers that stopped, others that is the same, its always there, though some just ignore and others embrace....I on the other hand love to feel it all, and this piece, Missing You, as sweet as simple as you have written, has very far deeper meaning.... i felt the sign miss me as i drove away :-)

  3. A friend who is an artist told me that the more we learn to appreciate art, the more aware we will be of beauty...and as we begin to see more beauty, we should pay attention and listen to how it makes us indeed saw the beauty and the full story of feeling in that red and white sign...thank you for sharing!
