Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Buddha's got her back for me...

Several weeks ago I wondered and posted...

Can thoughts alone right the world?

Our thoughts are endless and create all reality but oh how wonderful and frightening this really can be. We must think openly with boundless freedom. We must think great things but dwell always on Goodness and Grace. We need to learn to cease negative thoughts and overlook the bad we might see in others. But also be careful and alert, and avoid toxic negative people.

Messages come to us in all manner and form if we simply open our eyes and heart. Yesterday, I saw this on the back of the T-shirt of a woman sitting in front of me...

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought.

The mind is everything.

What we think we become."

- Buddha

Righting ourselves in right thinking are the footsteps towards righting the world...


  1. It's been such a long time since I've had the pleasure of perusing your thoughts dear. It is true that we become what we think to a point. we still have editorial rule over what we have in our minds. The question then becomes what do we do with the material we have allowed into our main frame?

    I think you have answered it well dear, "We must think great things but dwell always on Goodness and Grace." I might add, if you permit me, that Grace is undeserved merit or favor given out of love. That true love we talked about many times. The one that speaks the truth regardless of the immediate or even long term consequences to the speaker.

    I hope you doing well dear. I think of you often and pray for you when I do.

    Love You Much,


  2. Macey, thank you for your grace and kindness.
