Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Poet's Dream

You are the Poet
I am your Poem

Make me something Beautiful
From your Heart
From your Soul
From your Beautiful Thoughts and Feelings

Bring me to Life
To be Like You

Teach me to be the Poet
of Someone's Dream


  1. everyday i see walking souls around me
    they all live in their own worlds, their own
    dreams of the reality that propels them in
    a world that so far with all the books and
    beliefs, not one has yet explained as to why
    we live a life, so short... that even a butterfly
    does not envy us... and yet we dream, and
    ponder, maybe we need to just let go and have
    a wonderful day not worrying about tomorrow
    or the day after, for if we do, we already lost our
    own day...

  2. Muse on sweet gentle poet for in your thoughts and feelings springs forth Truth and Beauty for us all.
