Thursday, February 12, 2009

Beautiful Hope

(Free: by Nessy Shepherd)

We had such a glorious December here with 24 of the days of the month in the 70's. I went to the beach and layed-out under the warm December sunshine several times over Christmas break. Feeling the warm sun against my all but naked skin is a beautiful sensual pleasure. I found that even with the sun at its lowest point in the sky it still softly worked up my tanlines, you know the ones where you cant help but look in the mirror and notice just how white your natural skin really is forming stark contrasts as if framing the special private places. Sigh.

Somehow I knew we would pay for such winter splendor and we certainly did in January and early this month in the form of several hard freezes, even at the beach. I was called down late one night to join the family in tenting our sensitive Florida plants bringing those we could inside the house. Before the call, I was warm and comfy wearing my pj's but I reluctantly donned a coat slipped into some Crocs, which offer no warmth I soon found out, and traipsed around outside bare legged for what seemed like an eternity moving the soft sensitive flora inside the house and garage. We covered what we could not move with a mixmatch of bed sheets and blankets and rushed inside to thaw out.

Well our efforts did save many of our potted plants but it seems we lost many things we thought could survive on their own but they became bruised, wilted and brown.

Much of this seems to parallel my personal experiences having met someone in December who was my warm sunshine caring for me deeply helping me feel stronger in a time when I needed that the most. It was special and will always be special to me. Sadly, the freeze did come and I've become bruised, wilted and brown.

The weather has again become beautiful here. As I move about, I cant help but hear the birds chirping and flittering about near me. These beautiful little angels again busying themselves with the repair of my heart. It is Spring to them and soon they will continue on their journey moving north as the sun moves higher in the sky.

I went to dinner with some friends last weekend. We went to a japanese steakhouse, the kind where you share a table with strangers. There was a young couple with their beautiful newborn baby girl seated at one end of the large table. They were quiet, probably exhausted from caring for this beautiful new little human being that was their recent blessing, but they seemed happy and content. I started to talk to them and they were nice people with fast smiles and direct and honest gazes. They told me their little girl was born on January 13 and it was their first child.

What I found out next raced through my soul in a rush of healing beauty... it brought tears to my eyes so much that I had to leave for the restroom...

They named their beautiful little angel...



  1. Spring is coming. Birds will sing.. flowers will appear.. All things will be renewed with new life.

    Just hang in there and enjoy each moment of happiness that come, and more will follow in time. Healing takes time and nurturing, but it will happen. Then make good memories to replace those of bad times. They will, if you let them. Eventually there will nothing left but good memories to remember. That will make your Heart smile all the time.

  2. i totaly agree with Sniley (-_-)

  3. Thank you both for your kind words of hope and renewal!!!
